Clearwater FL Emergency Dentist Helps You Be Prepared

Posted by Asad Ali On July 31, 2023

A dental emergency can be stressful and even frightening. However, if you are prepared, you’ll be able to act more quickly and ensure a better outcome. By preparing for this type of emergency in the same way you would any other emergency or accident, you can improve your reaction and be sure any injuries are taken care of promptly.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

Dental Emergency occurs whenever there is an injury to the mouth, teeth, or facial bones. In the case of this type of injury, you should respond with first aid just as you would with any other type of injury. If the injury appears to be serious, you should see a doctor or emergency dentist right away. In cases of less serious injury, you can make an appointment to see a dentist as soon as possible.

  • Common dental emergencies include:
  • Trauma due to a fall
  • Injuries incurred during a motor vehicle accident
  • Injuries incurred during contact sports
  • A broken filling or crown
  • A filling or crown that has fallen out

If you are injured because of a fall or an accident, you will probably need to see a doctor or dentist, depending upon the severity of the injuries. If there is excessive bleeding, excessive discomfort, or if there appear to be any broken bones, you should see a doctor right away.

Being Prepared for a Dental Emergency

You can be prepared for a dental emergency by having a first aid kit specially equipped to deal with this type of injury. This first aid kit should include:

  • Soft gauze to control bleeding
  • Toothpaste or a denture adhesive to hold crowns or broken fillings in place
  • A small cup you can fill with water or milk to preserve a knocked-out tooth
  • Antiseptic mouthwash
  • The phone number of your emergency dentist

If you keep these items and this information on hand at all times, you will be better equipped to handle an emergency if it occurs. With this type of preparation, you can ensure the best possible outcome.

Contact Our Office in Clearwater today to get more tips.